
Výsledky všech cvičení ze 4. lekce naleznete zde:

Cvičení č. 1:

1. my 2. her 3. your 4. its 5. their 6. his 7. its 8. our 9. her 10. his

Cvičení č. 2:

1. This is his mother. 2. That is your brother. 4. These are her children. 4. Those are our books. 5. This is Louise with her new boyfriend. 6. His cousin doesn't live with his family. 7. Her aunt doesn't like her parents.8. Mr and Mrs Smith have (got) a son called Tom. Their son has (got) an orange car.

Cvičení č. 3:

1. Peter's car 2. Martin's house 3. That is Helen's sister. 4. Susan's umbrella is over there. 5. Robert's father doesn't work today. 6. Paul's girlfriend is out. 7. John's grandma (grandmother) is in. 8. Adam's grandpa (grandfather) isn't healthy. 9. Mark's aunt doesn't want an old dog. 10. Laura's uncle doesn't like dogs. 11. What is the number of your passport? 12. What is the colour of his car?

Cvičení č. 4:

1. Mike is here. 2. I don't go to the party. 3. He goes to England. 4. She doesn't have (NEBO hasn't got) a blue dress. 5. Isn't the weather cold today? 6. We aren't ready to go. 7. She doesn't want that car. 8. They don't have (NEBO haven't got) a nice daughter.

Cvičení č. 5:

1. The (NEBO that) slim man with an umbrella is Mr. Novák. 2. Is he English? No, he isn't. He is Czech. 3. Don't you know that small old woman? 4. Are those dogs young or old? 5. Does she like those dogs? 6. Do you know this tall woman? 7. Is it her book? Yes, it is. 8. Is it an English book or a Czech book? I don't know. 9. Where is (the) dad? Isn't he at work? No, he isn't. 10. Does he take his phone?

Cvičení č. 6:

1. I want to read this book. 2. Kate wants to read that book. 3. I don't want to write books. 4. Jerry doesn't want to read those books. 5. Tom wants to take this lamp. 6. What do you like to eat and drink? 7. What do you like to do in your free time? 8. Don't try to read it! 9. Try to eat this bread. 10. Do you want to take my passport?

Cvičení č. 7:

1. Do you know John? 2. John is in a small house in Alaska. 3. He lives there. The (that) house is small and cold. 4. He is cold. He is hungry. He is thirsty. 5. But he is lucky because he has (got) a good family. 6. His family is lucky because John is a good (nice) person.

Cvičení č. 8:

1. Good afternoon. I am Peter Black. 2. (It is) nice to meet you, Mr. Green. 3. - How are you? - I am great. 4. Nice to meet you too. 5. Let me introduce Mr. John Smith. 6. Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. 7. I am pleased to meet you.

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